W3Schools JavaScript Certificate
I was looking for something Certified my JavaScript knowledges, so I found W3Schools certification system. Easy to do: pay (*95), find a Volunteer want do the Supervisor, and Let's Go! I found Massimiliano Scifo, friend in the life, but also Developer, I share my screen with him and I run the test. There are 70 question to answer in 70 minute so 1 minute for question, I answer and my score was 90%, I only did one and I didn't try again. It's takes 44:00 minute to finish, in easy way, we laffing a lot on the easy question and spend some time on the most tricky or hardens, but really I just find few I cannot answer with the 100% safety. After that… 95$
for a digital certified where not even go to advanced topic, and not even provide a self-hosted image, I found a bit expensive. I still miss some Advanced Topics, like:
- Performance Questions
- Unit Testing
- Name Spaces
- AMD or better ES6 in general
- Serve Side
- Ashicronous Techniques
- XSS Teqniques and Defence
- Optimizations and Compressions
- Continuos Integrations Finally they give me the possibility to share it (the image on top) with you! But they don't provide the hosted image for it! I think for 95$ for each test, would be enough for host and invest to a designer for do different kind of design of the icon, and why not even for add more advanced test. After that I'm more proud to have finish to read, in this year:
- Learning JavaScript Design Patterns
- JavaScript Patterns
- High Performance JavaScript (Build Faster Web Application Interfaces)
- Maintainable JavaScript and buy this:
- JavaScript: The Definitive Guide: Activate Your Web Pages (Definitive Guides)
- Professional XMPP Programming with JavaScript and jQuery I spent a little bit more but I think I get much more then just a Certificate. Do you suggest some other Certification Programs, where I can prove the Advanced Techniques?